Fixing Facebook previews of external links can be easy, but sometimes It's not. In my specific case I managed to find this solution, after a while of research, trial and error.
My Blog
Facebook Open Graph previews not working with Github Pages and CNAME records
Sorry for my long absence. This is not a good start..
Yes, I'm still alive and well. Sorry for not writing.
Projects, Game A Week and Game Jam
I just finished beginning writing the 'Projects' section of this homepage. It will be a collection of all the stuff I'm working on (at the moment it's still pretty empty, as I still have to create the content for it.)
Why start a blog? Aren't blogs dead?
Blogs are dead. Right? They are. The guardian said it. New Republic said it. Forbes said it. Engadget said it. Business week said it. Gigaom said it. Think Progress said it. Gawker said it. ....I could go on. Apparently blogs really are dead. So why (re)start a blog? Is there any value in such an archaic medium? In my opinion, there is. There's a lot of value in it. Let me explain.
Homepage Technology
Do you hate it? Do you love it? Are you just interested by how it works? I'm talking about this homepage. Or better: about the technology behind it. What makes it tick, how does it work? What allows me to do crazy stuff while still being simple and flexible? The solution is a combination of various useful technologies.